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Privacy Policy

  1. The owner of the services in domain 3n.com.pl is the company 3n Computer Services, Poland, Za­ko­le 20/7, 75-814 Ko­sza­lin, e-mail address: office@3n.com.pl, NIP number 669-116-77-04.
  2. The services are available through the websites: Internet Stock Photos, Virtual Gallery of Photography, Computer Typesettings System or K3D Projector. Each of these services has own privacy policy. So you can acquainted with these policies on the right page. Here we present a privacy policy that is specific to this particular site.
  3. This website uses cookies to enable the action of some fe­atu­res of the site (eg. change the background color, the look and language of the interface, etc.) and to count the number of visits.
  4. If you create a user account on our site, the cookies will also participate in the login and user account process.
  1. To turn off or limit the effect of cookies you can use the corres­pon­ding options in your web browser. Here are the addresses of websites where you can find informations about the most popular browsers: Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Mic­ro­soft Internet Explorer, Chrome.
  2. You can disable cookies in accordance with the above instructions, but disabling them will prevent the correct operation of the website in the scope of logging in and service of the user account after logging in.
  3. Here you can delete all cookies from this website.
  4. While you are browsing this website we do not automatic collect any of your personal data.
  5. If you have any questions about privacy policy you can write an e-mail to address: office@3n.com.pl.


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